See what organisations are doing to tackle modern slavery
Use the Modern slavery statement registry to find or add statements. See what organisations are doing to eliminate modern slavery from their operations and supply chains.
Use the Modern slavery statement registry to find or add statements. See what organisations are doing to eliminate modern slavery from their operations and supply chains.
Search for statements using a range of filters. You can also download statement data as CSV files.
To add your organisation’s statement to the registry, you’ll need to create an account. To get started, go to the sign-in page.
Any organisation with a modern slavery statement can add it to the registry, including:
Under section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, organisations that meet certain criteria are legally required to publish an annual modern slavery statement in a prominent place on their website. They are also encouraged to make statements from previous years available online.
In addition, organisations are strongly encouraged to publish their statements on the Modern slavery statement registry, as this will be mandatory in the future.
Currently, the legislation applies to commercial organisations that:
Many other organisations produce a modern slavery statement voluntarily. In the future, the requirement to publish a statement will be extended to public sector organisations with a budget of £36 million or more.
Resources and guidance on modern slavery statements are available on the GOV.UK modern slavery collection page.
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