Homes England modern slavery statement summary (2025)

Organisation address
Homes England,
2nd Floor,
The Lumen,
Newcastle Upon Tyne,
United Kingdom,

We asked the organisation a series of questions about its modern slavery statement. Its answers are published on this page as a statement summary.

This statement provides information for 5 of 6 recommended areas

What is a modern slavery statement?
UK law requires certain organisations to publish an annual modern slavery statement on their website, setting out the steps they are taking to address modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains. Read more in the government guidance on publishing modern slavery statements.

PDF version of the statement

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Modern Slavery Statement 2024-25 Final (003) (003).pdf

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About this statement summary

All answers relate to the financial year covered by the statement. The organisation is responsible for all the information it provided. Some of our questions are optional, so organisations may not have answered all of them. The statement summary does not replace the full modern slavery statement – below we provide a link to the full statement on the organisation’s website.

Statement period and sign-off details

The statement covers the following period:
1 November 2023 to 31 October 2024

The statement was signed off by:
Peter Denton (CEO)

It was approved by the board (or equivalent management body) on:
1 November 2024

Recommended areas covered by the statement

Government guidance encourages organisations to cover a range of areas in their modern slavery statements, setting out the steps they’re taking to address modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains. Read about the recommended areas in the statutory guidance.

We asked the organisation to tell us which areas its statement covers.

Areas recommended by government guidance Organisation’s response
The organisation’s structure, business and supply chains Covered
Policies Covered
Risk assessment Covered
Due diligence (steps to address risk) Covered
Training about modern slavery Covered
Goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of the organisation's actions and progress over time Covered

The organisation’s sectors and turnover


The organisation operates in the following sectors:

  • Public sector
  • Construction, civil engineering and building products
  • Financial, insurance and real estate activities


Its turnover in the financial accounting year of this statement was:

Over £500 million

If the organisation is a public body, this amount is based on the organisation’s budget for the year of the statement.
What does 'turnover' refer to in group statements?
If this is a group statement, this includes the total turnover for all the organisations covered by the statement.

Number of years producing statements

The organisation has been producing modern slavery statements for the following number of years:
More than 5 years
How does this work for group statements?
If the statement is for a group of organisations, this answer applies to the organisation with the longest history of producing statements.

Policies (optional)

We asked the organisation whether its policies include the following provisions in relation to its domestic and international supply chains, as well as its own operations.
Organisation’s response
The organisation told us its policies do not include any of the provisions we listed in our question.

Training (optional)

We asked the organisation whether it provided training on modern slavery, and who it was for.
What counts as training?
We explained that by ‘training’ we meant anything designed to increase knowledge and skills around identifying, addressing or preventing modern slavery risks. This could range from formal training courses to broader awareness-raising activities such as workshops or webinars.
We asked who the training was for Organisation’s response
Your whole organisation Yes
Your front line staff No
Human resources No
Executive-level staff No
Procurement staff No
Your suppliers No
The wider community No

Monitoring working conditions (optional)

Engaging with others

We asked the organisation to tell us who it engaged with to help monitor working conditions across its operations and supply chains.
We asked who the organisation engaged with Organisation’s response
Your suppliers Yes
Trade unions or worker representative groups Yes
Civil society organisations Yes
Professional auditors No
Workers within your organisation Yes
Workers within your supply chain No
Central or local government No
Law enforcement, such as police, GLAA and other local labour market inspectorates Yes
Businesses in your industry or sector No

Social audits

We asked the organisation to tell us about any social audits it used to look for signs of modern slavery.
What are social audits?
A social audit is a review of an organisation’s working practices from the point of view of social responsibility, and should include an evaluation of working conditions in the organisation’s operations and supply chains. By their nature, audits of supplier workplaces represent a snapshot in time.
Social audits we asked about Organisation’s response
Audit conducted by your staff Yes
Third party audit arranged by your organisation No
Audit conducted by your supplier’s staff No
Third party audit arranged by your supplier No
Announced audit No
Unannounced audit No

Grievance mechanisms

We asked the organisation how workers in its operations or supply chains could raise concerns or make complaints.
We asked if workers could raise concerns this way Organisation’s response
Using anonymous whistleblowing services, such as a helpline or mobile phone app Yes
Through trade unions or other worker representative groups Yes

Other ways of monitoring working conditions

We asked the organisation whether it had any other ways of monitoring working conditions across its operations and supply chains:
Through a legal contracting mechanism supported by our legal/commercial teams. On the ground, using our Panel surveyors and Transaction managers to be our eyes and ears when engaged on site visits.

Modern slavery risks (optional)

Warning Identifying modern slavery risks is a vital step towards eradicating it. The government encourages organisations to be as open and transparent as possible, to improve understanding, collaboration and best practice around tackling this worldwide problem.
We asked the organisation to describe up to 3 priority risks it focused on during the period of the statement, including details of the affected workers, the activity involved, and the location.

Priority risks for this organisation (1 of 3)

A delivery partner or investment recipient with an ambiguous supply chain. Continued assessment indicates risks remain constant, controls whilst mature should be agile to respond and always evolving.
Questions we asked about this risk Organisation’s response
Where it was most likely to occur Organisation’s response: Within your supply chains.
  • Tier 1 suppliers
    Provide their products and services directly to your organisation.
  • Tier 2 suppliers
    Provide products and services to your organisation via your Tier 1 suppliers.
Who was it most likely to affect Organisation’s response:
  • Migrants
  • Refugees
In which country Organisation’s response: No details provided
Actions or plans to address this risk Organisation’s response: Established that SME participants are at a higher risk in certain component supply chains. To support investment decisions, applicants are required to provide a Project Delivery Plan, which enables us to discuss and clarify supply chain anomalies.

Priority risks for this organisation (2 of 3)

Where we provide loans to SMEs, our assessment has identified a specific risk in certain foreign supply chains.
Questions we asked about this risk Organisation’s response
Where it was most likely to occur Organisation’s response: Within your own operations.
Who was it most likely to affect Organisation’s response:
  • Migrants
  • Refugees
In which country Organisation’s response: No details provided
Actions or plans to address this risk Organisation’s response: Reviewed existing compliance conditions in existing contracts and agreements, including termination clauses.

Priority risks for this organisation (3 of 3)

Construction workers working for a delivery partner with ambiguous employment credentials
Questions we asked about this risk Organisation’s response
Where it was most likely to occur Organisation’s response: Within your own operations.
Who was it most likely to affect Organisation’s response:
  • Migrants
  • Refugees
In which country Organisation’s response: No details provided
Actions or plans to address this risk Organisation’s response: Continue to be vigilant when assessing areas of risk within our supply chain, and that our delivery partners, framework participants, investment and grant recipients act with comparable zeal. Increase awareness with third parties we engage with, by promoting and signposting industry led on-line guidance and compliance tool kits to them - as supplied by the (CIOB),(RICS) and others. Provide training and raise awareness - internally and externally - help in the identification of new areas of risk

Indicators of forced labour (optional)

We asked the organisation whether its statement refers to finding any International Labour Organization (ILO) indicators of forced labour.
What are ILO indicators of forced labour?
The International Labour Organization (ILO) has produced a list of the most common signs of forced labour. They’re based on the definition of forced labour as ‘all work or service which is extracted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily.’ More details and guidance are available on the ILO website, and in their publication ILO indicators of forced labour
Organisation’s response
The organisation told us its statement does not refer to finding any International Labour Organization (ILO) indicators of forced labour.

Demonstrating progress (optional)

We asked the organisation how its statement demonstrates progress over time in addressing modern slavery risks. They provided the following answer:
We will continue to establish to follow emerging best practice, by assessing legislation and Cabinet Office procurement directives. SME participants are a higher risk in certain supply chains. To support our decisioning, applicants are required to provide a Project Delivery Plan, which enables us to clarify supply chain anomalies. We use our framework of monitoring surveyors to provide escalation and notification of suspicious activity.