HARDSCAPE GROUP LIMITED modern slavery statement summary (2023)
Organisation address
Blackburn Road, Egerton,
United Kingdom,
We asked the organisation a series of questions about its modern slavery statement. Its answers are published on this page as a statement summary.
This statement provides information for all 6 recommended areas
What is a modern slavery statement?
PDF version of the statement
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About this statement summary
All answers relate to the financial year covered by the statement. The organisation is responsible for all the information it provided. Some of our questions are optional, so organisations may not have answered all of them. The statement summary does not replace the full modern slavery statement – below we provide a link to the full statement on the organisation’s website.
- Organisations covered by the statement
- Legal requirement to publish
- Statement period and sign-off details
- Recommended areas covered by the statement
- The organisation’s sectors and turnover
- Number of years producing statements
- Policies
- Training
- Monitoring working conditions
- Modern slavery risks
- Finding indicators of modern slavery
- Demonstrating progress
Organisations covered by the statement
HARDSCAPE GROUP LIMITED modern slavery statement for 2023 is a group statement covering 3 organisations. See the full list of organisations covered by this statement
Legal requirement to publish
HARDSCAPE GROUP LIMITED has confirmed it is not required to publish a 2023 statement by law.
Statement period and sign-off details
The statement covers the following period:
1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023
The statement was signed off by:
Alex Warren (Managing Director)
It was approved by the board (or equivalent management body) on:
5 October 2023
Recommended areas covered by the statement
Government guidance encourages organisations to cover a range of areas in their modern slavery statements, setting out the steps they’re taking to address modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains. Read about the recommended areas in the statutory guidance.
We asked the organisation to tell us which areas its statement covers.
Areas recommended by government guidance | Organisation’s response |
The organisation’s structure, business and supply chains | Covered |
Policies | Covered |
Risk assessment | Covered |
Due diligence (steps to address risk) | Covered |
Training about modern slavery | Covered |
Goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of the organisation's actions and progress over time |
Working with BRE as part of our BES6002 compliance audit to create KPIs to effectively monitor improvements.
The organisation’s sectors and turnover
The organisation operates in the following sectors:
- Construction, civil engineering and building products
Its turnover in the financial accounting year of this statement was:
Under £36 million
What does 'turnover' refer to in group statements?
Number of years producing statements
How does this work for group statements?
Policies (optional)
Policy provisions we asked about | Organisation’s response |
Freedom of workers to terminate employment | Included |
Freedom of movement | Included |
Freedom of association | Included |
Prohibits any threat of violence, harassment and intimidation | Included |
Prohibits the use of worker-paid recruitment fees | Included |
Prohibits compulsory overtime | Included |
Prohibits child labour | Included |
Prohibits discrimination | Included |
Prohibits confiscation of workers' original identification documents | Included |
Provides access to remedy, compensation and justice for victims of modern slavery | Included |
Other |
Not included
Training (optional)
What counts as training?
We asked who the training was for | Organisation’s response |
Your whole organisation | Yes |
Your front line staff | Yes |
Human resources | Yes |
Executive-level staff | Yes |
Procurement staff | Yes |
Your suppliers | Yes |
The wider community | No |
Other |
Monitoring working conditions (optional)
Engaging with others
We asked who the organisation engaged with | Organisation’s response |
Your suppliers | Yes |
Trade unions or worker representative groups | Yes |
Civil society organisations | Yes |
Professional auditors | Yes |
Workers within your organisation | Yes |
Workers within your supply chain | Yes |
Central or local government | No |
Law enforcement, such as police, GLAA and other local labour market inspectorates | No |
Businesses in your industry or sector | No |
Social audits
What are social audits?
Social audits we asked about | Organisation’s response |
Audit conducted by your staff | Yes |
Third party audit arranged by your organisation | Yes |
Audit conducted by your supplier’s staff | No |
Third party audit arranged by your supplier | No |
Announced audit | Yes |
Unannounced audit | Yes |
Grievance mechanisms
We asked if workers could raise concerns this way | Organisation’s response |
Using anonymous whistleblowing services, such as a helpline or mobile phone app | Yes |
Through trade unions or other worker representative groups | Yes |
Other ways of monitoring working conditions
Modern slavery risks (optional)
Priority risks for this organisation (1 of 3)
Questions we asked about this risk | Organisation’s response |
Where it was most likely to occur |
Organisation’s response:
Within your supply chains.
Who was it most likely to affect |
Organisation’s response:
In which country |
Organisation’s response:
Actions or plans to address this risk | Organisation’s response: We operate a supply chain management system, which includes the regular auditing of our supply chain, both remotely and on site. Engagement with a supplier following a death on site, to offer support, flexibility, and help to reduce the pressure on the supplier and help put in place effective measures to prevent recurrence. This involved supporting the updating of their risk assessments using our own competent advisors to create effective templates and details to improve their systems. |
Priority risks for this organisation (2 of 3)
Questions we asked about this risk | Organisation’s response |
Where it was most likely to occur |
Organisation’s response:
Within your supply chains.
Who was it most likely to affect |
Organisation’s response:
In which country | Organisation’s response: India |
Actions or plans to address this risk | Organisation’s response: Comprehensive ethical management audits carried out in India, highlighting the lack of understanding of the ETI base codes, and lack of the message going beyond the supplier management. As a result of this intervention, the 9 base codes have been translated to Hindi and painted on a clearly visible wall where the workers can see it daily. Evidence has been seen to show improvements in welfare facilities, better access to PPE, Government inspection confirmation, and reduced hazard risks to staff. |
Priority risks for this organisation (3 of 3)
Questions we asked about this risk | Organisation’s response |
Where it was most likely to occur |
Organisation’s response:
Within your supply chains.
Who was it most likely to affect |
Organisation’s response:
In which country |
Organisation’s response:
Actions or plans to address this risk | Organisation’s response: Creation of an ITF agreement matrix in collaboration with our freight forwarders, who gained an approved appreciation for the need for the agreements. This has led to several agreed actions being determined, which are currently being implemented to reduce the risk of slavery, exploitation, and unfair treatment to seafarers. |
Indicators of forced labour (optional)
What are ILO indicators of forced labour?
ILO indicators we asked about | Organisation’s response |
Abuse of vulnerability | Yes |
Deception | Yes |
Restriction of movement | Yes |
Isolation | Yes |
Physical and sexual violence | Yes |
Intimidation and threats | Yes |
Retention of identity documents | Yes |
Withholding of wages | Yes |
Debt bondage | Yes |
Abusive working and living conditions | Yes |
Excessive overtime | Yes |
Other |
Actions taken in response to finding ILO indicators
Actions we asked about | Organisation’s response |
Financial remediation, including repayment of recruitment fees | Yes |
Change in policy | Yes |
Change in training | Yes |
Referring potential victims to government services | Yes |
Supporting victims via NGO | Yes |
Supporting investigations by relevant authorities | Yes |
Other |